Specialty Care
Infusion treatments, whether at home, in a healthcare clinic or other non-hospital setting, require highly trained Specialty Care nursing and pharmacy support. Trust becomes essential for these higher-risk infusion therapies that require ongoing care.

Clinical Nutrition
Nutrition plays an essential role in sustaining quality of life for those who require care for complex conditions. Pentec Health provides personalized clinical nutrition solutions and superior community-based care.

Disease States
Managing the multifaceted needs for a variety of conditions requiring clinical nutrition and specialty care therapies, services and products. This includes patients with kidney disease, kidney failure, chronic, non-healing wounds, gastrointestinal conditions, rare metabolic disorders, chronic pain, muscle spasticity or cancer within or that has metastasized in the liver.

Clinical Education
By leveraging decades of clinical expertise, we are able to successfully demonstrate our industry leadership through webinars, speaker programs and research studies. We take pride in sharing valuable insights that enhance clinician education and practice.

Pentec Health
Pentec Health is a national leader in clinical nutrition and specialty care integrating pharmacy services with clinical excellence to enhance the complex care journey.

Cancer within the Liver/Liver Metastasis
Two types of liver cancers are intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (also known as bile duct cancer within the liver) and colorectal cancer that has spread (metastasized) to the liver. Bile duct cancer within the liver is a relatively rare cancer while colorectal cancer is one of the three most commonly diagnosed cancers in the U.S., and when it metastasizes, it typically spreads to the liver. These cancers can be particularly challenging to treat.

Symptoms of these cancers may include jaundice (yellowing of the eyes), swelling in the belly, abdominal pain, weight loss, fatigue, loss of appetite, dark urine, leg swelling and itchy skin. Imaging tests, laboratory tests and biopsy can help determine if a patient has bile duct cancer within the liver or if their colorectal cancer has spread to the liver.
Treatments that aim to control the spread of cancer include chemotherapy that can be delivered in high doses through hepatic arterial infusion (HAI), radiation therapy, immunotherapy and surgery to remove liver tumors.
Pentec Health understands the challenges faced by patients with each of these two cancers. Our nationwide team of expertly trained specialty care nurses helps relieve the burden of travel and waiting time, improving the quality of life for patients when they need it most. We also offer 24/7 patient support services to simplify referral, intake and insurance coverage processes.
Learn how you can receive care in the comfort of your own home with our personalized, patient-first HAI pump services.

Proudly Quality Accredited
National Quality Approval
The Joint Commission

Accredited Practice Transition
Program With Distinction
American Nurses Credentialing Center
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